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Mental Health Blog Awards 2023

Writer: Mike DouglasMike Douglas

This October I was delighted to host, for the sixth time, the Mental Health Blog Awards. Celebrating mental health bloggers, podcasters, vloggers and creators. There are so many individuals and groups now putting in such huge effort and emotion into their posts. Their words each year continuing to help change lives. They inform, educate, support and signpost. Their posts show readers/ listeners/ viewers that it is ok not to be ok, that you can still succeed even if you are struggling. A huge thank you all bloggers and creators for continuing to be part of our online community in whatever way works for them.

The Mental Health Blog Awards celebrate and recognise everyone's achievements and efforts, not just those shortlisted or the winners. While there are award winners, hopefully if you havent won or made a shortlist, you still feel celebrated. Regardless of nomination, shortlisting or winning, all our mental health bloggers and creators are amazing and inspirational. They are part of the reason for The Awards existing.

Listen to this years Awards Ceremony on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.


Back in 2016-2017 I had this frustration that mental health bloggers were under recognised and celebrated within blogging communities. Gradually ideas developed into plans and then in 2018 we hosted the first MHBA in Portsmouth. Since then a range of changes have been made to make the event more inclusive and accessible, including our initially reactive move from our planned 2020 venue in Oxford to online hosting. Which made attending and engagement from non UK bloggers and creators much more possible. Additionally, given the lived experiences and preferences of our main community hosting online made much more sense as it provides the opportunity for individuals to attend in a way they feel comfortable and safe to.

The journey from that frustration and ideas in 2016 to now is such a sense of pride. There will always be things that can be developed and improved, that's why each years there has been at least a little change, if not a more noticeable one. But where we are today/ this year, with 6 years of MHBA, it is just amazing.

Since 2018, we have had over 300 individuals put themselves forward as nominees, over 14,000 individuals have voted, with 40 award winners and 2 two-time winners.

We have had a range of generous sponsors, from large companies to community not for profits and individuals. Each sponsor has helped to keep the MHBA running and accessible.


Since 2019 we have had some amazing guest speakers, sharing insights and expertise. This year we were delighted to have Heather, Luke and Sophie share their sessions:

Heather (@wondherful) - One More Suicide Is One Too Many - A non profit journey

Luke (@stresssessions) - From Surviving to Thriving: Men’s Mental Wellness

Sophie (@SophieMeiLan_) - Transforming your blog into a YouTube channel or podcast

Each speaker shared elements of their own lived experiences along with tips and tools to better engage in support, self development, blog development or signposting.

Watch our 2023 speakers video - on facebook here


This year we had such as great range of bloggers and creators, the shortlists for 2023 were:

Project of the Year

Catalyst Support

Katja - Sorry My Mental Illness Isn't Sexy Enough For You

Steve -Steve's Big Bipolar Challenge

Stu - The Noisy Brain


Imagery of the Year


Jimmy & Vignesh

Naziat- pearlsofwellbeing

Steve - Two Beats Apart

Podcaster of the Year

Dave - Mindset By Dave

Hannah & Tatum- The Beautiful Minds Podcast

Hazel - Reality Tourists

Keith - The Endless Spiral

Stuart - The OCD Stories podcast

The Beautiful Minds Podcast

The Stress Sessions

Vlogger of the Year

Ann Gath

Bryan - bpdbryan

Dan - The Running Manc

Dave - Mindset By Dave

Dennis – Psychreg

Richie - mental health and life

Sophie Mei Lan - Mama Mei

Socials Champion of the Year

Brooke - Becoming Indomitable

Chloë - Chlo She Grows

Suzanne - Honesty About Editing

The Morning Coffee Run

The Stress Sessions

Community Choice Champion

Leah - Wellness Medic

Megan - Because Mental Health

Molly - Letters of Kindness UK

Seriah - Riyah Speak

Steph - Divamum

Blogger of the Year

Adam - The Anxiety Philosopher

Ann Gath

Brooke - Becoming Indomitable

Daragh - Thoughts Too Big

Dennis – Psychreg

Soph - Like I Care

And our 2023 winners were:

Project of the Year

Winner - Heather, Wondherful

Runner up - Stu, The Noisy Brain

Imagery of the Year

Winner - Steve, Two Beats Apart

Runner up - asafeplacex

Podcaster of the Year

Winner - Hannah & Tatum, The Beautiful Minds Podcast

Runner up - Luke, The Stress Sessions

Vlogger of the Year

Winner - Ann Gath

Runner up - Dave, Mindset By Dave

Socials Champion of the Year

Winner - Chloë, Chlo She Grows

Runner up - Luke, The Stress Sessions

Community Choice Champion

Winner - Leah, Wellness Medic

Runner up - Molly, Letters of Kindness UK

Blogger of the Year

Winner - Brooke, Becoming Indomitable

Runner up - Soph, Like I Care

Community Leaders

Since 2020 I have had the awesome support of Community Leaders; volunteers who provide their insights and expertise to support the development and running of MHBA each year. Without them the Awards would likely have already stopped. This year in particular Anna and Hannah have been massive for MHBA, we definitely hope they stay on for 2024!

If you would like to be part of our 2024 planning and development as a Community Leader, find out more at

Mental Health Blog Awards

This year again we have had great feedback, both positive and informative, with some valuable suggestions. Hosting these Awards and being part of this online community continues to be a huge privilege. It has also been a wonderful opportunity to discover new mental health bloggers, creators and projects. I really recommend checking and following all of our nominees, speakers and winners. These is so many different versions of mental health and wellbeing conversations happening and different tips, tools and services being signposted to.

I am already excited for Mental Health Blog Awards 2024!

Find out more and keep up to date at

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