Wow, two years! Its amazing. I can't believe it.

I wanted to take a bit of time to reflect on the last two years and everything Mike's Open Journal.
Back on 30th September 2015 I submitted my first post on blogger, as part of my new blog, Mike's Open Journal. I had previously posted for a year about my adventure in Australia and a little about my life under Mike's Life. Having dropped away from writing and then being heavily affected by poor mental health, Mike's Open Journal became my outlet and potentially helped to save my life at a time when I often couldn't see a positive way ahead.
The blog continued to be a positive outlet for me and even allowed me to find and discover other people who had similar struggles to myself. While medication and therapy have been important and beneficial, its blogging that has been the most supportive and helpful thing for me. Being able to write down things I could never have said aloud or spoken to someone about was and is so important. Often just needing to get those thoughts, feelings and emotions out of my body. The words flowed from the pen like venom from my veins. There was a poison in me that I needed to express. Like main affected by mental health, especially men, I didn't know who to talk about what was going on. How do you start to talk about something you don't understand, that is seemingly so shameful.
Over time writing and blogging became a coping strategy. Rather than allow the aggressive, annoyed, frustrated, disappointed, sad emotions to take over, I would try and grab the pen instead of making a fist.
While writing remains a coping strategy, it is now also a hobby (sometimes work, yay) and a passion.

The blog itself has grown too. Having started as a blog 'feed' on blogger, I now have a .com website, with pages to the other aspects of Mike's Open Journal.
A massive part of that has been the podcast which has been going for about 15 months now. Where I have spoken to 24 different amazing guests from around the world. It has been amazing to talk to them and share their stories with all of you. I am so proud of all the guests that have been brave enough and open enough to share their experiences.
I recently wrote about my summer and some of the great stuff thats happened this year, so I don't feel the need to go over that again - you can read it here.
A little while ago I released a one year look back on the podcast which was great, so go check that out too.

As the blog and podcast grow I have been fortunate enough to find new opportunities and meet new people. Every new person is a reminder of why I share my struggles (and successes).
Thank you to everyone who has been part of Mike's Open Journal the last two years. If you have read a post, downloaded an episode, shared a story, THANK YOU!
Heres to us!