Last Tuesday I saw a post from Nick on twitter as I got ready for work about Live Voice auditions that evening. I am usually soo not one to be that spontaneous but it looked interesting and I'm a sucker for live music. Plus with the recent growth in the blog and the rise of Pompey Bloggers its given me a real incentive to be active and try / do more, which I am really pleased about.
The venue was Little Johnny Russell's in Southsea, which I have only been to once before and that wasn't the best experience. I went there on a boys night out and it was rammed. Like I could not move, it was ridiculous. However this visit was very different. LJR's was fairly quite when I got there at about 5.30pm. I enjoyed a drink and burger while I was there which was very nice. The staff were very friendly and the set up was fine.
The quality of performance was generally very good. There were two performances I wasn't too keen on and also two that I thought were really good! I have a short vlog that will give you an insight into the music and performances.
Unfortunately I had to leave before the end as I had an early train journey for work the following day, but I massively enjoyed my time at LJR's listening to the Voice auditions. Hopefully some of those performing make it to the tv auditions.
Ill add the running order below the vlog post.
5.00pm CAROLINE HUBBARD https://www.facebook.com/caroline.hubbard.524 5.10pm TASMIN TURNER https://www.facebook.com/jones.turner.9 5.20pm TALLY ASLING https://www.facebook.com/TallyAJ 5.30pm ALEX HIGGINS https://www.facebook.com/leyton.higgins 5.40pm CHARLOTTE NEAL https://facebook.com/charlotte.neal.984 5.50pm CORAL HUTCHESSON https://facebook.com/coralini 6.00pm ELLA-ROSE GOVER https://facebook.com/aphze 6.10pm MOLLIE JAY HUGHES https://www.facebook.com/molliejay.hughesmusic 6.20pm KATHRYN CRADDOCK https://facebook.com/kathryn.craddock.1 6.30pm SHAWN COWLISHAW https://facebook.com/nicki.cowlishaw 6.40pm JENNIFER PARKER LUMMIS https://facebook.com/jennifer.parkerlummis 6.50pm BRADLEY JAGO JACKSON https://facebook.com/bradley.jagojackson 7.00pm RUMOUR TALKS https://www.facebook.com/rumourtalks 7.10pm LIVVY https://www.facebook.com/oliviahaggartymusic 7.20pm PAIGE BROOKER https://facebook.com/louise8rooker 7.30pm STEPH WILLIAMS https://facebook.com/steph.williams.5682 7.40pm JEANNIE MCCONVILLE https://facebook.com/jeannie.mcconville 7.50pm JODIE VINALL https://www.facebook.com/jodez23 8.00pm BILLY TEE https://facebook.com/billyteebag 8.10pm MYSTi MYSTICAL-CHICK https://www.facebook.com/MysticalChickMusic 8.20pm ROY PEPLOW https://facebook.com/RoyPeplow 8.30pm NATASHA ANNE AGAR https://facebook.com/ILoveRossDoneyForeverx 8.40pm LAUREN STANLEY https://www.facebook.com/lauren.stanley.370 8.50pm ANDY OSMAN https://www.facebook.com/andy.osman.5 9.00pm MICHELLE HERBERT https://facebook.com/michelle.price.568 9.10pm MARY RED https://facebook.com/MaryRedmusic 9.20pm SAMUEL PACK https://facebook.com/Samuelgeorgepack 9.30pm LILY GARLAND https://facebook.com/hannah.pilbeam 9.40pm STUART MADGEWICK https://www.facebook.com/madgwick2sinatra 9.50pm KATY SMITH https://facebook.com/katysxo 10.00pm ALISHA BRAITHWAITE https://facebook.com/alisha.braithwaite 10.10pm KATE RIDD https://facebook.com/loz.ridd 10.20pm DAZ MENZIES https://www.facebook.com/dazmenziesmusic 10.30pm LAUREN JAMES AKA LAUREN PATRICIA https://facebook.com/lauren.james.50702 10.40pm HEIDI PEARL CHANDLER https://facebook.com/profile.php?id=10001008682784 10.50pm TATENDA CHIGODORA https://www.facebook.com/RatidzoMarivaldoBeeTheBee STANDBY - PAUL URSU https://www.facebook.com/paulursu