I've just been made aware of a podcast award / nomination. Yay for the podcast love.
Hopefully if your reading my blog you are also aware of my podcast (by the same name, Mike's Open Journal).
The start of this year I had the first chance to 'promote' my blog (and podcast) and ask people who loved the blog to vote for me in the UK Blog Awards. It was an interesting experience. It was the first time I spoke to many people about my blog. Which was scary! Not to mention the weird feelings I had about telling some about my blog and asking for a kind of acceptance and approval from people.
It was, while scary, something I am proud of. That's why I'm delighted (still a little scared!) to talk about the British Podcast Awards.
"Podcast fans, show your favourite British podcast that you're not just a download figure: you really, REALLY love what they do. Vote for them for The British Podcast Awards' Listener Choice, and let them be showered with approval by their peers at our gala awards night."
My mental approach to this is the same as the UK Blog Awards, I do not expect to be a finalist. I do however hope that along the way I get to talk to a few new people and that maybe one or two more people become aware of my podcast. As someone that actively tries to raise awareness and break stigma, just making more people aware of my podcast and the topic of mental health (my main focus) is a success.
I really would appreciate it if you could vote for me in the British Podcast Awards and (yes sorry there's an 'and') share that you have voted, if your happy to. That will help other people discover the podcast too. Thank you!
Mike's Open Journal is available on iTunes, acast and via MikesOpenJournal.com