As you may have seen from some of the latest tweets, Mike's Open Journal will now include more 'lifestyle' posts. There has been a few creeping in gradually and I think this is the right time to more formally recognise the diversity in some of my posts.
With 2016 coming to an end I thought this would be a good time to have a slightly different post and mention some highlights. Even though I hate doing these because you always forget something really big. But here goes.
2016 Highlights

Meal of the Year - Pizza

This goes to my homemade Asda pizza. I loved it so much I had about 9 within two months! It was great to make my own. Like anything I give a go at making / cooking / baking it was very simple.
Twitter Chat of the Year - #TalkMH
Special mention to the new #MHchathour. #TalkMH was the first twitter chat I really got involved in and its been all good. Its inspired me to get involved with other chats, podcast on topics that are raised within the chat. More importantly its been a great way to meet new and awesome friends. A very big thank you to Hannah for creating this chat. I look forward to meeting many of you in April for the first #TalkMH meet up.

Proudest Moment of the Year - Talking Mental Health
Im really surprised and pleased, theres a few that have come to mind. Becoming a Godfather to my second niece. Seeing friends declare their love for each other (Sam and Katy, looking at you), my sister continue to run her own business, seeing a friend take another chance at love (Rach), seeing Sarah continue to be amazing in her battles with physical health.
While I'm not there yet, for me talking about my mental health on the podcast and blog has / is a massive thing for me. I still don't think I fully appreciate how much of an achievement this is. So thank you to every who has supported me in this journey.

App of the Year - Pokemon Go
Yes, its not as popular as it was at first when everyone was still happy to catch a pidgey. While I don't play as much, this has been a great app for me. It helped motivate me to go outside, walk around. While its not as effective now as it was, it still does a little, and I think thats great. As someone that struggles with mental health it has been an app I really value.

Wrestler of the Year - AJ Styles
As so of you know I am a wrestling fan and like many WWE is my main source of wrestling. I really, really got into Lucha Underground this year. Its the show I'm most excited to watch. Thanks to youtube and podcasts I have become aware of other promotions much more and its maybe part of that that led to my excitement to see AJ Styles in WWE. I had seen him in a few shows and programmes before. I liked him but he wasn't 'special'. However the idea of a guy that had been at other promotions coming to WWE was exciting. Starting with his arrival at Royal Rumble he has continued to be...phenomenal.
In a similar vein I'm super excited by Shinsuke Nakamura, I was in awe watching his entrance at this years NXT event in Bournemouth. This guy is a great character.

Hug of the Year - Rich
Sadly there wasn't as much competition for this as I would hope, haha. Theres been some memorable moments this year and some close relationships along with amazing people. But I have to say at the #MHmeet in Manchester meeting Rich for the first time was so good. While I am a hugger, to get up and hug someone mid way through an event and just hug. To hold each other, to be close to someone. It was special. As someone that isn't naturally confident in front of people its still a bit of a surprise that we just stood there for a few minutes hugging. Like long enough for people to take photos haha.

Purchase of the Year - Pink MacBook
I LOVE IT! It is still a recent purchase, but its made blogging and updating the website so much easier and convenient.
Plus I LOVE IT!!

Trip of the Year - Manchester
This is easy. I got to meet Sarah and lots of mental health bloggers it was great! You can read my blog post for more on the trip.

TV Show of the Year - Humans
I love Game of Thrones but I haven't really watched much this year. I show I have watched and loved is Humans. I really like the thought processes that the characters go through. The discussion of what is consciousness is really interesting to me. The show highlights the talking points and character development so well.

Music Event of the Year - Victorious Festival
This festival held in Southsea was once again a great day out. I enjoyed seeing friends and listening to music at this local event. The weather was much nicer this year, the sun was lovely. I do have to say this year the line up was nothing on last year for me. Last year I had sets I wanted to see from about 3-4pm to 11. This year there was only one or two performers I wanted to see. So waiting to see the line up for next year.

Most Played Album of the Year - Lemons (Woodlock)
This EP has over taken Blind Boys Run (Pierce Brothers) and Greatest Hits So Far (Pink) as my most played album this year with a lot of plays recently. While Im sure many of you will know Pink; Pierce Brother and Woodlock are great bands, that I first saw on the streets of Melbourne. I would highly recommend their music.
I have called this most played as the EP wasn't realised this year, so saying it was album / EP of the year sounded a bit misleading. If you get the gist.

I hope you enjoyed reading some of my highlights of 2016. As I said I'm sure theres lots I've missed out. But I'm trying to not over think as much so Im going with first thoughts.
I hope you have had a good year and are able to look back on some of your own highlights.
Thanks for reading.
Did I mention the fun I've had with my #BathBunBattle Team? You guys are beautiful, but my bun rules!